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卡債協商後多久恢復信用代書貸款風險哪間銀行信貸比較好過農地持分貸款原住民貸款優惠個人信貸記錄>債務整合是什麼個人信貸額度試算創業貸款代辦汽車分期付款條件中古車貸利率怎麼算>中國信託留學貸款民間信貸台北整合負債推薦個人信用貸款上限汽車融資貸款台新車貸試算>台中民間貸款台新銀行車貸特快私人貸款新車貸條件民間代書急件民間二三胎代書貸款手續費代書貸款利率WORRYING TREND: The avian flu season in China began earlier this season, with a higher number of recorded infections compared with recent years, an official saidBy Lee I-chia / Staff reporterPeople traveling to China, Hong Kong and Macau should be alert to the spread of H7N9 avian influenza in the region, with 100 cases, including two suspected human-to-human transmissions, reported from Jan. 9 to Monday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said yesterday.There has been a significant increase in the occurrence of H7N9 avian influenza infections in the greater China region, with the cases announced over the past week representing the highest weekly total since 2013, CDC Deputy Director-General Philip Lo (羅一鈞) said.“Most of the cases were reported in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Guangdong provinces, with the majority of cases having had direct or close contact with poultry or wild birds,” he said.CDC Epidemic Intelligence Center director Liu Ting-ping (劉定萍) said 54 of the cases were in Jiangsu, 22 in Zhejiang, nine in Anhui and four in Guangdong.Liu added that there has been a smattering of reports of infections in other provinces.The two cases reported in Hong Kong and Macau were both infected in Guangdong, he said.Of the latest batch of infections, there were two incidences of suspected human-to-human transmission — between a father and daughter in Jiangsu and between two patients that were in the same hospital ward in Anhui, he said.A total of 146 H7N9 avian influenza infections in humans have been reported in China since October, Liu said, adding that the avian flu season in China is typically between November and May, but statis整合負債貸款t民間信貸利率個人信用貸款比較信用不良如何借貸車貸試算程式新車車貸利率多少ics showed that this season, the outbreaks began earlier than usual, and the number of cases recorded so far this year is higher than those of past few years.“We suggest that people who are planning to visit China avoid direct contact with live poultry,” Lo said, adding that H7N9 avian influenza can cause fever, coughing and other flu-like symptoms, as well as pneumonia in serious cases.He said people who exhibit such symptoms after returning to Taiwan from China should put on a facial mask, seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform the doctor about their travel history.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES台中代書借款
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